Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Homeless in my mind

When I saw the option of naming this blog, I was not quite sure of what I wanted to call it. I just put down the first thing that came into my mind, 'thinking of', ironically I didnt do much of thinking while chosing the name. I've always liked naming things, it gives u the power to give it an identity by which it will be called and known henceforth. The charater of the object might change but the name contiunes.

Well after some actual thinking, I changed it to its present 'homeless in my mind', becausing thats how I fell right now. I'm very confused with what lays ahead and what I want this life do to. I liked another name for it 'imagination junkyard', which I saw at another blog, but wanting not to copy some one else idea I stuck to mine. This confused state will remain for some more time as crucial moments in my life are just around the corner, will I overcome with success or failure ? dont reall know, all I know is I have to get throught them.

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