Friday, July 14, 2006


A blog, well for a long time i was aware of the concept of a blog but never did explore it much nor was interested in creating one ( my life depends a lot on my laziness ). But after reading a few blogs and especially two of friend's (JI and AR) and a stranger's blog (though have friends who know the person) i finally got down to creating one. well why? hmm....... i could publish stuff i wanted to, complain to the 'world' and let 'others' into my life's events and emotions. But there are numerous problems that entail creating this blog. Firstly, with the identity, I have still have to make my mind on it, but for now i have decided to be anonymous. Maybe in the future i might put down my name. Secondly, will i update this blog ? as i was saying i'm 'driven' (or the lack of it) by laziness. Yes, this life is different from others, i see different things, i see things differently, i hear things, i know things, but are these things 'special' for them to be written in a blog? well do only 'special' things make it to blog or does it matter if i write those 'irrelevant' or 'immaterial' moments in this 'irrelevant' or 'immaterial' life ? Many conflicts, many ideas, many thoughts, many words, not much time, not much of a life. 'My Life', may not be a great one, may not be a good one, may not a special one, may not even be a different one, but it is mine none the less!!!

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