Sunday, March 25, 2007

Meet Tubster, benjamin and Herbert

Name. The first thing one would want to about the other, I like naming things, i like names. I like my name, i've changed my name [my surname, that is], though my dad wasnt too kicked about coz i dropped his name from mine and took the family name instead! Anyways, like i was saying i like naming things, not persons, but things. One of the first things i named was, ok, as funny as it may seem, one the first things i remember naming is a stuffed toy, it was a St. Bernard that i named tubby. Move a couple of years i named my desktop tubster, because it was shorter than the usual ones but as fat as them, made sense to name it tubster, though was influenced by my old 'tubby' and wanted to name it after reading another blog about how this guy was referring to someone called Pat, later realized that it was his comp.

Meet Ben, my laptop and Herbert, my a/c. Two of my prized possession, one keeps me cool and other keeps me entertained. It feels good to refer to them as people. "well, ben didn't want me to surf the net the other day and wasn't co-operating with the network" or "thank god, Herbert is there, otherwise my room would have left like a oven". Guess i am substituting things for people? well I'm no shrink, but it meets my attention needs by analyzing certain things i do.

And of course i had good time naming this blog. It was doubly fun, coz i got to pick two names for it, one for the web page and one for the blog. Though i would never want to be a prototype, what i mean my 'prototype' is that the world has seen many, many different kinds of people, differing on various issues, i am just one of these many people and the no. 89 does not have any strong link with anything particular apart from me liking to be random. And with respect to the name of the blog itself, 'homeless in my mind' it best suited how i left when i named it, maybe still more or less i feel the same, it captures to some level of accuracy how i feel.